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2016 Events

December 10, 2 - 3:30pm  

65th Annual Bromelsick Christmas Party

Auditorium; Haskell Indian Nations University 

žTickets are available at no charge to each registered 4-H, Boy Scout, and Girl Scout member.  Family members are also welcome and encouraged to attend.  You may come as a troop with a leader, or accompanied by a parent following adult/youth supervision rules.  A treat will be provided to all youth after the program.  

November 7, 7:00pm  

LHVC, Inc. Annual Meeting

First Presbyterian Church 

žAnnual Meeting will take place during the November meeting of Girl Scout Service Unit 716.  

November 6, 1 - 4pm  Raindate November 13

Hidden Valley Work Day

Woodcutting Support & More. Suggested work time is 1 hour. Special projects available with advance notification. Bring your own work gloves & a water bottle.
Tools, First Aid & refreshments are provided at work days. Troops are responsible for SafetyWise ratios and permission slips. Troops are welcome to contact the service project coordinator to plan their own service project.

An RSVP is appreciated but not required. Please direct questions and RSVPs to Durand Reiber.

September 24, 10 am - 2pm  Raindate: September 25, noon - 4pm

Fall Frolic to celebrate the camp's 60th birthday.

Wander around the camp and enjoy activities and exhibits with a pollinator theme. Learn about native plants that look great and attract butterflies and other pollinators. New developments since 2006 will be highlighted, as well as posters recognizing our wonderful volunteers, donors, organizations and businesses that help make it all happen. Fun for the whole family and guests are welcome. There will be a Dedication of Dogwood Forest and the Butterfly Alley area at 1:30pm. Commemorative patches for all Girl Scout attendees will be $1 at the event. 

September 11, 1 - 3pm  Rain or shine

Hidden Valley Work Day

Cabin, Yard and Garden Clean-up. Suggested work time is 1 hour. Special projects available with advance notification. Bring your own work gloves & a water bottle.
Tools, First Aid & refreshments are provided at work days. Troops are responsible for SafetyWise ratios and permission slips. Troops are welcome to contact the service project coordinator to plan their own service project.

An RSVP is appreciated but not required. Please direct questions and RSVPs to Durand Reiber.

2016 Hidden Valley Day Camp

There will be 2 sessions of day camp again this year. 

The theme is Science Through the Ages.

Week one: June 13-17.

Week two: June 20-24.

March 12, 12:30-4:00
Inspire a Girl Service Event at Hidden Valley

Register through the GS Council website.

Cadettes (not working Brownie Play Day) and Seniors, Ambassadors and GS alumni arrive at 12:30 to start burning brush...a great way to practice your fire starting skills!

Juniors arrive at 1:30 to assist with fire burning. Everyone will also help spread seed and transplant coralberry bushes in the recently cleared woods. S’mores served from 3:30-4pm

Dress for the weather, layers are best, and wear your hair tied back and a hat or scarf.

April 16, 1:00-4:00 (Rain date April 23)
Friends of Hidden Valley Workday

Help spruce up the camp for another season of fun! Any amount of time appreciated. Tools and refreshments provided.

RSVP to with following information: leader name; troop # and level; and estimated number of girls and adults.

Saturday, May 28, 10:00am
Alfred Bromelsick Memorial at Oak Hill Cemetary

Join us for a simple, yet meaningful service project. Annually, we honor Alfred Bromelsick who, upon his death in 1950, left his estate to the youth of Lawrence through the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and 4-H.

One of these three youth organizations is in charge of the memorial each year, and will present a short program. Members of each group and guests are encouraged to bring flowers from their garden to leave at Mr. Bromelsick’s grave site. The ceremony will be about 15 minutes.

Questions: Contact Cindy Riling, or Marcia West

June 4, 8:00-12:30 (Rain date June 5)
Hidden Valley Trails Day

Help with routine trail maintenance projects anytime between 8:00 and 11:30 am. Followed by guided trail hikes offered to scout families and the public. Short 1/2 hour tours begin at 11:30 and noon; One hour tours at 11:30. Bring your families!

RSVP to Durand

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