2014 Events
Sunday, December 14, 2014 • 6:30pm (Doors open at 6:15)
Bromelsick Christmas Party at the Lied Center
Tickets are available at no charge to each registered Girl Scout, Boy Scout, and 4-H member. Family members are also welcome. You may come as a troop with a troop leader, or accompanied by a parent following adult/youth supervision rules of that organization. A treat will be provided to all youth after the program. Bring a new toy or donation for Toys For Tots.
Tickets for Girl Scouts | Boy Scouts | 4-H
November 2, 2014 • 1:00-4:00pm(rain date November 16)
Fall Wood Cutting Support & more in Mary's Meadow & Dogwood Forest
Check in at Evelyn’s Attic.
Hidden Valley Work Day • September 14, 1-3pm (rain or shine)
This short workday is centered around our cabin, butterfly garden and surrounding areas in the middle of our camp. There will be jobs of all sorts, from “housecleaning” to gardening, shrub trimming to trail mulching, reseeding all those areas that got so trampled during our rainy day camp, and everything in between. A flyer will be forthcoming with more details. There is no rain date for this workday...it goes on rain or shine, as a lot of work can still be done inside the cabin (and latrines, etc.)
2014 Hidden Valley Day Camp
Registration is closed.